Physiotherapist Michael Shacklock - Part 2

The second part of our interview with Michael Shacklock.

Topics include:

0:10 - Do you treat a specific subset of spinal patients (i.e. post fusion or discectomy)?
2:03 - Recurring neural pain for post operative discectomy patients.
3:35 - Post surgical scarring and how that presents.
7:07 - The return of familiar pain post operative procedure. Re-herniation and the power of medical imaging.
10:08 - Michael’s anecdotal observation of two discectomy sub-groups of patients (i.e. no pain AND the pain is still there OR returns).
13:55 - Recurring pain - distinguishing the cause and the time frames? How can a patient distinguish the type of pain? Collaboration, Communication and Cooperation.
18:40 - Do patients generally follow preventative actions? Fusions need to be protected.
21:00 - Reducing adjacent segment deterioration. If a patient learns to protect and move differently could they potentially reduce that risk?
25:45 - Post surgery patients vs pre-surgery patients. Will investigations or scans help? Not knowing can be worse than knowing…
28:30 - Every case is individual but what wisdom do you have for pre-operative patients? Try and take responsibility for your own problem. Understand your situation and make good decisions.


Physiotherapist Michael Shacklock - Part 1


Biomechanist Professor Stuart McGill -Part 1