Physiotherapist Michael Shacklock - Part 1

In this episode of ‘Interview the Expert’ we speak with Physiotherapist Michael Shacklock the founder of NeuroDynamic Solutions and author of numerous research articles on the function of nerves.

Topics include:

1:25 - What is neurodynamics?
4:00 - How from sciatic pain can a diagnosis be made? The medical and physical diagnosis.
7:35 - A medical confirmation is needed. Research does show leaving discs can work.
11:10 - Stop moving and you bring on disability.
12:00 - What is sciatica and what is not? It is a symptom (it is a feeling along the sciatic nerve route). Pain down your leg does not always mean back pain.
16:00 - Referred pain vs radicular pain. What is the difference?
18:55 - Can radicular pain constitute a sciatic symptom?
21:02 - Pre and post spinal surgery patients. Serious pain does not mean it is a nerve issue. Compression can cause function loss and not necessarily pain.
24:37 - A functional problem but not a lot of pain is an alarm. It is not necessarily the level of pain that indicates the level of problem.


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Physiotherapist Michael Shacklock - Part 2