Matthew de Filippo spine surgery patient - Pt2

The second part of our interview with Matthew DeFilippo.

Topics include:
0:15 - Not expecting the post surgery pain levels to be so high.
2:42 - Post surgery expectations shifting over time.
4:47 - Feeling like a burden and taking responsibility.
8:50 - Reconnecting with your previous world.
11:02 - The pressure to recover and jealousy.
12:15 - Not wanting to be around previous people.
15:00 - Innocuous comments - How's your back?
17:48 - Neutral conversations helped considerably.
20:48 - It's hard to coach yourself. Constant uncertainty.
22:16 - Ego and pride really gets in the way.
25:35 - Current mindset and strategy to coach others.
27:57 - What do you know now you wished you’d known earlier?


Matthew de Filippo spine surgery patient - Pt1


The Lunge