Consultant Spine Surgeon Mr Bob Chatterjee Part 1
Consultant Spine Surgeon Mr Bob Chatterjee practices at St John & St Elizabeth Hospital London and is trained in both orthopaedic and neurosurgical procedures. Mr Chatterjee specialises in treatment without surgery, minimally invasive surgery, sports injuries, spinal problems in the elderly and complex spinal reconstruction.
Topics include:
1:14 - Why did Bob become a spinal surgeon?
2:35 - Taking time to understand the patient's history. What is the big picture and how did they arrive there? The spine affects your entire life, personality and outlook on life. The surgery tools are no good unless the history is understood.
5:20 - Right surgeon, right procedure, right time and history taking. The surgeon must onboard the patient to the process and journey before any procedure is undertaken.
8:25 - Do you get to see psychological differences in back pain and back surgery patients? The thought before action philosophy. Risk and benefit needs to be understood by the patient.
13:38 - Expectations and reality of what a patient has to expect post surgery. Discectomy and Fusion outcomes are differing. An abnormal situation is not being made into a normal situation.
19:05 - You have a different spine post surgery. How can adjacent segment degeneration be offset post procedure and the use of fusion or disc replacement.