Biomechanist Professor Stuart McGill -Part 2

We continue our talk with Professor Stuart McGill in the second part of his interview.

Topics include:

0:25 - Post operative patients are fearful of spine loading. However, loading appropriately post procedure is essential for adaptation to take place.
5:09 - The right dosage, program and loading parameters.
6:40 - Is walking generally beneficial post operatively? It is individual to the patient.
10:50 - Lumbar spine fusion vs disc replacement and the theoretical preservation of motion. Would you consider disc replacement?
13:30 - Cervical disc replacement success? Cervical vertebrae do not bear the compressive loads of the lumbar spine. 
17:20 - Stenosis and arthritic changes. Success with conservative treatments with NO surgical intervention.
23:20 - What can you do to desensitise?
25:30 - The post surgical patient psychological outlook. Simply listening and roadblock removal can reduce the patient’s pain. Cognitive behavioral therapy together with optimal mechanics. Just sharing your story can make a real difference to a patient.


Biomechanist Professor Stuart McGill -Part 1


What Is Stenosis?